General Information for All Cadets
The 2024 Illinois Wing Summer Encampment will occur Saturday, 13 July 2024, through Saturday, 20 July 2024, at the Marseilles Training Center (MTC) near Marseilles, IL. The MTC is an Army National Guard facility. If you have not attended an Encampment previously, you should plan to attend Encampment this summer! Completing a Civil Air Patrol Encampment is a prerequisite to earning the CAP General Billy Mitchell Award. In addition to gaining useful leadership experience and in-depth knowledge of the United States Air Force and Civil Air Patrol, you will meet cadets from Illinois Wing and other Wings throughout the country to share in a week of learning, sports, and social activities.
Applying/Registering for Encampment
NEW FOR 2024
Registration and payment will be accepted through EServices via the new “Registration Zone” application. Please note that this system is still under development, and some functions will be added as we get closer to July. You will first notice that payment will not be available during our application launch. Pending credit card transaction fees and a finalization of our budget, we anticipate the cost to attend to be $200.00 per cadet. Please be patient with us as we transition to this new system.
To apply, follow the steps below:
1. Login to eServices using your CAPID and Password at (If you do not have an EServices account, please speak to your unit commander for more information)
2. Navigate to Registration Zone at the bottom of your EServices dashboard.
3. On the left side of the Registration Zone homepage, you will find a menu titled “My Stuff.” Click on “Event Registration.”
4. On the event registration page, you will find a search bar on the top right. Search “Illinois,” and you will find 5 options to register for Summer Encampment. Pick the option that matches the school you are applying to.
5. Follow the application steps (including uploading completed medical history, parental consent, and emergency contact forms).
6. Have your Squadron Commander approve your application in their EServices account.
7. (Coming Soon) Return to the Registration Zone to complete your payment for the 2024 Illinois Wing Summer Encampment.
8. Once your application is complete, you can edit any information by navigating to “My Account” and clicking on the Summer Encampment School you registered for.
The cost to attend Summer Encampment is $200.00 per cadet. When Registration Zone becomes available, all payments will be made through that functionality.
CEAP: The Air Force allocates significant yearly funding for cadets to attend encampments. This is known as the Cadet Encampment Assistance Program (CEAP). Applications for this program are submitted through National Headquarters Eservices.
Refunds will be granted under the following circumstances:
If you cancel your registration before June 15th, 2024, a FULL refund of your tuition (excluding processing fees) will be granted.
If you cancel your registration between June 16th and July 7th, 2024, you will receive a 50% refund of your tuition fee.
If you cancel your registration after July 7th, 2023, for a reason, you will not receive a refund for any tuition or fees associated with Summer Encampment.
Medical Information
Since your cadet is attending an Illinois Wing Encampment and may take medication regularly, it is important to highlight some REQUIRED items to allow participation in the Encampment. Please read the information below carefully and reach out if you have any questions.
1. Any medical or prescription changes occurring between submitting the health care information form and the activity must be accompanied by a note from the health care provider. Ideally, this will be provided before check-in.
2. Cadets MUST bring any prescription, non-prescription medications, herbals, vitamins, or supplements to Encampment only in the original containers where the medication was dispensed or packaged.
a. Prescription containers must contain the name of the prescribing physician, the name and telephone number of the dispensing pharmacy (if applicable), the name of the prescription recipient, and any other applicable dosing instructions.
b. All non-prescription medications, herbals, vitamins, and supplements must also contain dosing instructions and be labeled with the cadet’s name.
3. Medication quantities (prescription and non-prescription) MUST be limited to sufficient to last the duration of the activity plus one additional day. For Spring Encampment, there should be sufficient quantities for four days of medication.
4. All medications (prescription and non-prescription), vitamins, herbal remedies, and over-the-counter (OTC) medications MUST be packed together in a single clear plastic Ziploc bag labeled with the cadet’s name and CAP ID.
5. Failure to provide medications in their original containers labeled as described above WILL result in the cadet’s dismissal from the activity. Baggies of loose pills will not be accepted.
6. CAP Cadet members will surrender all medication(s) in original and labeled packaging to the activity Health Services Officer (HSO) or designee upon check-in for logging and securement.
Specific Exceptions to Medication Surrender. Some medications need to be retained and readily available to cadets due to a need for immediate access in the event of evolving or emergent situations. These medications need to be readily available at all times. Examples include:
• Sugar supplements for diabetic cadets.
• Epinephrine auto-injectors for cadets with known severe allergic responses for which these devices are prescribed.
• Rescue inhalers for cadets diagnosed with respiratory conditions which warrant such medications.
7. Should the use of the emergency medication be necessary, the cadet is responsible for reporting the use to the senior officer present at the event, who will ensure that the medication administration time and amount are documented and will immediately notify the event HSO.
8. Cadets will report to the senior member supervising medication self-administration at the agreed-upon location and administration times.
9. Any cadet who refuses to take any prescribed medication shall be immediately reported to the parents/guardian. Repeated refusal or failure to report at the administration time repeatedly shall result in termination from Encampment.
Click here for a detailed packing list. The items on the list are required. You must bring all items with you to the Encampment. You cannot purchase any items once you arrive at the encampment.
Getting to Encampment
The member is responsible for transportation to and from the encampment. Commanders may, on an as-available basis, provide CAP vehicle or aircraft transportation.
Transportation to and from the encampment may include carpooling with other cadets, parents driving, squadron commanders or group commanders driving, and cadets driving themselves. Check with your squadron commander and other squadron members regarding available transportation options.
Cadets who drive Personally Owned Vehicles (POVs) to the Encampment will not operate the POV while at the Encampment. Upon arrival, they will turn in all car keys to the designated senior member, who will return them when cadets are dismissed.
Arriving at Encampment
All cadets will report to Summer Encampment in their Airman Battle Uniform and with proper grooming standards. Upon arriving at the encampment, the check-in process will begin. Senior Members will check to make sure each Cadet has a current CAP membership card in their possession. They will also inspect all luggage for contraband. Any contraband found will be confiscated. Any medically necessary items, such as inhalers or EPI pens, must be carried by the cadet at all times.
After the luggage inspection, squadrons and flights will be assigned. Flight Staff will take charge of their respective flights and show cadets to their rooms. They will also demonstrate how to set up personal items, make their bunks, and introduce cadets to encampment life.
The first few hours of encampment can be stressful and hectic. There is much information to be learned in a short amount of time. The more cooperation between squadron staff members and the other cadets in the squadron, the more efficient this process will be. Things will get easier as the cadets become more familiar with the encampment environment.
Cadets should arrive at MTC on Saturday, 13 July 2024, between 1300 (1:00 p.m.) and 1500 (3:00 p.m.).
The physical address for Marseilles Training Center is: 1700 Army Rd, Marseilles, IL 61341
Living with Several Other People
Cadets will stay in open-bay barracks, which include beds, foot lockers, storage shelving, and space for hanging uniforms. Each room will accommodate 12-40 cadets.
Private stalls in each housing unit provide a separate area for personal hygiene. Cadets will bathe at least once daily and be instructed in the proper method for arranging uniform items, making a bunk, and storing personal gear. Because space is shared with many others, cadets must maintain a clean living area and remove all personal items from the restroom daily. No one will be there to pick up after you.
MTC and CAP do not provide linens, blankets, or pillows. Each cadet MUST bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and white linens (at least one sheet and twin pillowcase) to the Summer Encampment. The beds are Twin XL size. Standard twin fitted sheets will NOT fit on the bunks.
Training Day
Our days at Encampment begin with reveille at 0600 (6:00 a.m.) and end with lights out at 2100 (9:00 p.m.). It is strongly recommended that each cadet is in good physical condition and that boots are well-broken in. The day will involve marching, meals, classes, drill practice, making your bunk, cleaning your room, inspections, physical training, and squadron time. Each day will be full of activities and require you to be well-rested. You need your sleep each night, and the lights-out time will be strictly enforced.
Formations will be held each morning before breakfast and each evening before dinner. All cadets will participate in Encampment Formations.
While at Encampment, you will march to and from meals, classes, and other activities. It is vital that your boots and shoes are well broken in before you arrive at Encampment. While wearing boots, it is recommended that you wear two pairs of socks, either one lightweight pair with a heavy pair or two medium-weight pairs. This will help prevent blisters. Blisters are a common problem at Encampment. You must take care of your feet by keeping them clean and dry and changing your socks daily. If you develop a blister, your flight staff will assist you in seeing the Medical Officer to get it taken care of as soon as possible.
The basic uniform requirements for the Encampment are at least two (2) sets of the ABU camouflage uniforms for daily wear and one (1) set of the summer Air Force style blue uniform for the graduation parade. A detailed clothing and equipment list is available online. Cadets MUST ARRIVE with the required uniforms and should not plan to purchase uniform items at the Encampment. The base does not sell CAP insignia. Civil Air Patrol insignia items may be procured through Vanguard before Encampment.
Grooming Standards
All cadets must meet the grooming standards outlined in CAPM 39-1 BEFORE arriving at Encampment. Grooming standards will be strictly enforced. Cadets not meeting grooming standards will be responsible for any cost incurred to correct the problem(s). The cadet may be dismissed from the Encampment if a discrepancy cannot be corrected.
Membership Status
Cadets who have completed Achievement 1 and are current members of CAP are eligible to attend Encampments. Cadets must always bring and carry a valid, current CAP membership card. Cadets arriving without a valid, current CAP membership card will NOT be permitted to remain at the Encampment. All cadets should ensure their membership is valid until at least 31 JUL 2021.
Encampment is held in the middle of July, which can be some of the hottest days of the year. Staying well hydrated by drinking plenty of water is necessary to stay healthy and to be able to participate in all Encampment activities. Cadets are required to drink one to two glasses of water at EVERY meal and drink water from their canteen throughout the day. Cadets never have to ask permission to drink water. It is better to make an extra trip to the restroom than to end up in the Medical Office due to dehydration.
Meals are provided in the dining facility during Encampment. Service will be cafeteria style. Each cadet must eat three meals every day. Cadets participate in much physical activity while at Encampment and will need adequate calories and nourishment to have enough energy to stay active throughout the day. Please include any dietary restrictions on your Parental Consent Statement before mailing.
Keeping in touch with home
Cadets will be allowed to call home using base phones during personal time. They will NOT need a calling card or cell phone, as cell phones are prohibited at Encampment.
Help at Encampment
Each squadron has five cadet staff members assigned to conduct the training and oversee the squadron. These staff members are experienced cadets who have attended Encampments previously. They are your first contact for questions, concerns, or problems. Each squadron has at least two senior members assigned as Training Officers. These TOs ensure the safety of the cadets and provide feedback to the cadet staff members. TOs assist cadets with medications and other medical issues, including visiting the Medical Officer. Cadets may speak to their TO at any time. Cadets may also speak to the Chaplain if they desire.
Parents and/or family members of cadets are invited to the Pass in Review and Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, 20 July 2024 at 10:30 a.m. Your cadet will not be available to you until after graduation. Please indicate the names of family members who will attend using the graduation guest list at the bottom of the encampment home web page. All attendees' names MUST be on the list at the front gate to be allowed access to the base for the Pass in Review.
Information for Cadet Students attending Basic Encampment
Activities for this year’s Encampment will include, but are not limited to:
- Major U.S. Air Force Command briefings to be presented by teams of United States Air Force officers;
- Civil Air Patrol briefings designed to increase cadets’ knowledge of the overall program;
- Firearms training using an engagement skills Trainer (Laser-based, full recoil firearms simulation);
- Rappelling training provided by Illinois State Police rappel masters
- Confidence Courses;
- Information on aerospace career opportunities;
- Inter-squadron sports events, drill competitions, leadership classes, and the Encampment graduation parade add up to a week of continuous and interesting activities.
Additionally, planned activities for the week may include the following:
- Orientation flights in CAP and/or military aircraft
*These activities are subject to change based on weather, facilities, and instructor availability.