Information for Cadet Cadre
This year's Cadet Commander is Cadet Major Jonathan Pattara from Col. Shorty Powers Composite Squadron. He has been a cadet since October 2018. Since then, he has attended four encampments and three NCSAs, including Johnson Flight Academy, National Emergency Services Academy, and Space Operations Academy - Florida. He had just finished his term as Cadet Commander at the squadron level, where he served for 14 months. Before that, he was a member of Lake County Cadet Squadron in Indiana, where his final position before transferring was Cadet Commander. He was also a member of Thunder Composite Squadron in Illinois, where he started his C.A.P. career and achieved the rank of C/SMSgt and Flight Commander before leaving that squadron. Most recently, C/Maj Pattara was the Deputy For Operations (ILWGSpE '24), National Legislative Day Representative (2024), Safety Officer (ILWG Phoenix CLAW), CLASS Commander (ILWGSE
'23), Cadet Health Services OIC (INWGSE '21). C/Maj Pattara's leadership philosophy is, "Do not dwell on the past, as it will keep you there; instead, look to the future to what you can become." Through this philosophy, he tries to instill a level of forward-thinking in all the cadets that he works with, as it is "Better to be in front of the ball than behind it."
"Cadets, we are planning an intense, fun, and educational week for you. We have put in hundreds of hours, many interviews, and many emails to plan this encampment for you. We are looking forward to seeing you thrive during this encampment. Whether you are a C/Amn or a C/CMSgt, there will be things you need to learn, and we will give you that opportunity. The best advice I can give you is to 'Take small steps.' Do not think of this as an entire week. Think of it as a few days of leadership training to make you better.
Will it be challenging? Yes. Will you get through it? Absolutely. I attended my first encampment as a 13-year-old. I did not know anyone, but the friends I made at that encampment have stayed with me through my over five-year C.A.P. career. It will be a good week. We are all looking forward to In-Processing Day!"
-C/Major Jonathan Pattara